Get Your Tarot Deck Published
Bloodstone Studios has been publishing awesome independent tarot decks since 2018 with a total revenue of over $1,000,000. Our team is ready to help take your tarot deck to the next level with a comprehensive publishing package. Let us handle the stress of manufacturing, distribution logistics, and advertising so you can focus on being an author.

Your Deck
Before submitting your deck for publication, you should already have several cards designed and the theme for the deck outlined.
If we like your deck and think it has potential, we'll offer you a publishing contract and discuss the strategy for getting your deck as much attention as possible when it's released.
The Contract
The contract grants Bloodstone Studios the exclusive right to publish your tarot deck, while you retain the copyright to the images. Because we are a small company with little overhead, we have one of the most generous royalty packages in the Mind-Body-Spirit publishing industry: authors receive a 50% NET ROYALTY on all retail sales and 25% NET ROYALTY on all wholesale orders.
This means that if we make $10 selling a deck, YOU make $10 on that same sale.

After the contract is signed, we will discuss strategies for publication and how we can get your tarot deck in front of as many eyes as possible.
Many independent decks have found tremendous success being launched on Kickstarter, but only with a campaign that has been skillfully executed.
Ready to Submit?
If you're ready to submit your proposal for your tarot deck, please click the big red button below. The process takes less than ten minutes to complete!